Agenda for Greenland City Council Meeting
Monday July 8, 2024, 6:00 P.M

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Announcements/Comments

5. Approval of previous month’s minutes

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Court & Police Report

8. Code Enforcement Report

9. Building Inspector Report

10. Planning Commission Report

11. Committee Reports

12. Unfinished Business:

· Wastewater System Rehabilitation Update

13. New Business:

· Resolution 07-08-2024- Amendment of the Sewer Contract

· Ordinance 389-Tax Levy

· Ordinance 390- Tax Levy Election

· Ordinance 391-Bond Issuance Election

· Business Violations Discussion

· Truck Route Discussion

14. Adjourn

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Meeting ID: 395 032 7135

Passcode: 72737